janeiro 31, 2010
São realmente 2 horas de autêntica fantasia!
janeiro 29, 2010
Calçada de Carriche
Calçada de Carriche
Luísa sobe,
sobe a calçada,
sobe e não pode
que vai cansada.
Sobe, Luísa,
Luísa, sobe,
sobe que sobe
sobe a calçada.
Saiu de casa
de madrugada;
regressa a casa
é já noite fechada.
Na mão grosseira,
de pele queimada,
leva a lancheira
Anda, Luísa,
Luísa, sobe,
sobe que sobe,
sobe a calçada.
Luísa é nova,
tem perna gorda,
bem torneada.
Ferve-lhe o sangue
de afogueada;
saltam-lhe os peitos
na caminhada.
Anda, Luísa.
Luísa, sobe,
sobe que sobe,
sobe a calçada.
Passam magalas,
palpam-lhe as coxas
não dá por nada.
Anda, Luísa,
Luísa, sobe,
sobe que sobe,
sobe a calçada.
Chegou a casa
não disse nada.
Pegou na filha,
deu-lhe a mamada;
bebeu a sopa
numa golada;
lavou a loiça,
varreu a escada;
deu jeito à casa
coseu a roupa
já remendada;
despiu-se à pressa,
caiu na cama
de uma assentada;
chegou o homem,
viu-a deitada;
serviu-se dela,
não deu por nada.
Anda, Luísa.
Luísa, sobe,
sobe que sobe,
sobe a calçada.
Na manhã débil,
sem alvorada,
salta da cama,
puxa da filha,
dá-lhe a mamada;
veste-se à pressa,
anda, ciranda,
range o soalho
a cada passada,
salta para a rua,
corre açodada,
galga o passeio,
desce o passeio,
desce a calçada,
chega à oficina
à hora marcada,
puxa que puxa,
larga que larga,
puxa que puxa,
larga que larga,
puxa que puxa,
larga que larga,
puxa que puxa,
larga que larga;
toca a sineta
na hora aprazada,
corre à cantina,
volta à toada,
puxa que puxa,
larga que larga,
puxa que puxa,
larga que larga,
puxa que puxa,
larga que larga.
Regressa a casa
é já noite fechada.
Luísa arqueja
pela calçada.
Anda, Luísa,
Luísa, sobe,
sobe que sobe,
sobe a calçada,
sobe que sobe,
sobe a calçada,
sobe que sobe,
sobe a calçada.
Anda, Luísa,
Luísa, sobe,
sobe que sobe,
sobe a calçada.
António Gedeão
Vagueio sem destino, pelas ruas,
O mar todo é de pedra... E continuas.
Todo o vento é poeira... E continuas.
A Lua, fria, pesa... E continuas.
Uma hora passa e outra... E continuas.
Nas minhas mãos vazias continuas,
No meu sexo indomável continuas,
Na minha branca insónia continuas,
Paro como quem foge. E continuas.
Chamo por toda a gente. E continuas.
Ninguém me ouve. Ninguém! E continuas.
Invento um verso... E rasgo-o. E continuas.
Eterna, continuas...
Mas sei por fim que sou do teu tamanho!
Pedro Homem de Melo
janeiro 28, 2010
The Beloved - Sweet Harmony
Uma das melhores recordações da infância! :-)
is it right or wrong
try to find a place
we can all belong?
be as one
try to get on by
if we unify?
we should really try...
all this time
spinning round and round
made the same mistakes
that we've always found
surely now
we could move along
make a better world?
no it can't be wrong
let's come together
right now
oh yeah
in sweet harmony
let's come together
right now
oh yeah
in sweet harmony
let's come together
right now
oh yeah
in sweet harmony
let's come together
right now
oh yeah
time is running out
let there be no doubt
we should sort things out
if we care
like we say we do
not just empty words
for a week or two
make the world
your priority
try to live your life
play a part
in a greater scheme
try to live the dream
on a wider scene
let's come together
right now
oh yeah
in sweet harmony
janeiro 26, 2010
Adeus Até ao Meu Regresso: Soldados do Império
Narciso Yepes - Concerto d'Aranjuez : Adagio
Brutal este concerto, em especial este trecho que aqui partilho nesta excelente performance.
Para ouvir com a alma...
Happy Nazis - Germany
Imagens chocantes.
In January 2007, a photo album marked Auschwitz 21 June 1944, was made public. It revealed astonishing clues as to how the extermination team enjoyed the life they ruthlessly denied their victims.
They look almost like normal people. They are devils, says Auschwitz survivor Regina Speigel. The photos were taken at the height of the hol0caust and have helped researchers identify key Nazi killers. Dr Josef Mengele aka the Angel of Death is seen smiling and laughing at this singalong during the most horrific period of murder in history. Its astonishing.
janeiro 25, 2010
Arctic Monkeys - When The Sun Goes Down
I said, who's that girl there?
I wonder what went wrong
So that she had to roam the streets
She doesn't do major credit cards
I doubt she does receipts
It's all not quite legitimate
And what a scummy man
Just give him half a chance
I bet he'll rob you if he can
Can see it in his eyes, yeah
That he's got a driving ban
Amongst some other offences
And I've seen him with girls of the night
And he told Roxanne to put on her red light
They're all infected but he'll be alright
Cause he's a scumbag, don't you know
I said he's a scumbag, don't you know
Although you're trying not to listen
Avert your eyes and staring at the ground
She makes a subtle proposition
I'm sorry love, I'll have to turn you down
And oh, he must be up to something
What are the chances? Sure it's more than likely
I've got a feeling in my stomach
You start to wonder what his story might be
What his story might be, yeah
They said he changes when the sun goes down
Yeah, they said he changes when the sun goes down
And they said he changes when the sun goes down around here
Around here
Look, here comes a Ford Mondeo
Isn't he Mr. Inconspicuous
And he ain't even have to say owt
She's in the stance ready to get picked up
Bet she's delighted when she sees him
Pulling in and giving her the eye
Because she must be fucking freezing
Scantily clad beneath the clear night sky
It doesn't stop in the winter, no
And they said he changes when the sun goes down
Yeah, they said he changes when the sun goes down
And they said he changes when the sun goes down
Around here
Well they said he changes when the sun goes down
Over the river,going out of town
They said he changes when the sun goes down
Around here
Around here
And what a scummy man
Just give him half a chance
I bet he'll rob you if he can
Can see it in his eyes, yeah
That he's got a nasty plan
I hope you're not involved at all
Tindersticks. Tiny Tears
Youve been lying in bed for a week now
Wondering how long itll take
You havent spoken or looked at her in all that time
Its the easiest line you could break
Shes been going about her business as usual
Always with that melancholy smile
But you were too busy looking into your affairs
To see those tiny tears in her eyes
Tiny tears make up an ocean
Tiny tears make up a sea
Let them pour out, pour out all over
Dont let them pour all over me
How can you hurt someone so much your supposed to care for
Someone you said youd always be there for
But when that water breaks you know youre gonna cry, cry
When those tears start rolling youll be back
Tiny tears...
Youve been thinking about the time, youve been dreading it
But now it seems that moment has arrived
Shes at the edge of the bed, she gets in
But its hard to turn the opposite way tonight
janeiro 17, 2010
Roger Waters Amused to death
Por falar em Roger Waters........
Doctor Doctor what is wrong with me
This supermarket life is getting long
What is the heart life of a colour TV
What is the shelf life of a teenage queen
Ooh western woman
Ooh western girl
News hound sniffs the air
When Jessica Hahn goes down
He latches on to that symbol
Of detachment
Attracted by the peeling away of feeling
The celebrity of the abused shell the belle
Ooh western woman
Ooh western girl
And the children of Melrose
Strut their stuff
Is absolute zero cold enough
And out in the valley warm and clean
The little ones sit by their TV screens
No thoughts to think
No tears to cry
All sucked dry
Down to the very last breath
Bartender what is wrong with me
Why am I so out of breath
The captain said excuse me ma'am
This species has amused itself to death
Amused itself to death
Amused itself to death
We watched the tragedy unfold
We did as we were told
We bought and sold
It was the greatest show on earth
But then it was over
We ohhed and aahed
We drove our racing cars
We ate our last few jars of caviar
And somewhere out there in the stars
A keen-eyed look-out
Spied a flickering light
Our last hurrah
And when they found our shadows
Grouped around the TV sets
They ran down every lead
They repeated every test
They checked out all the data on their lists
And then the alien anthropologists
Admitted they were still perplexed
But on eliminating every other reason
For our sad demise
They logged the only explanation left
This species has amused itself to death
No tears to cry no feelings left
This species has amused itself to death
(Switch Channels)
[Alf Razzell:]
"Years later, I saw Bill Hubbard's name on the memorial to the missing
at Aras[?]. And I...when I saw his name I was absolutely transfixed; it
was as though he was now a human being instead of some sort of
nightmarish memory of how I had to leave him, all those years ago.
And I felt relieved, and ever since then I've felt happier about it,
because always before, whenever I thought of him, I said to myself,
'Was there something else that I could have done?'
[Background: "I'd rather die, I'd rather die..."]
And that always sort of worried me. And having seen him, and his
name in the register - as you know in the memorials there's a little safe,
there's a register in there with every name - and seeing his name and
his name on the memorial; it sort of lightened my...heart, if you like."
(Woman) "When was it that you saw his name on the memorial?"
"Ah, when I was eighty-seven, that would be a year, ninete...eighty-
four, nineteen eighty-four."
Vantagens e Desvantagens de andar à Boleia
A resposta a essa questão, é dada por um excelente álbum de Roger Waters, intitulado "The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking".
Já é tarde demais. A Igreja já assumiu uma posição sobre a matéria, e não consta que goze da mesma flexibilidade da CML para mudar de posição sobre as matérias. Por outro lado, num país que proíbe (ou se prepara para proibir) crucifixos nas salas de aula, discriminar o acesso a apoios públicos baseado em orientações sexuais, e ainda por cima por imposição de uma confissão religiosa, é pedir uma guerra santa às associações talibãs ateias e homossexuais.
Andar à boleia, é perigoso. Se António Costa tivesse pensado melhor nas vantagens e desvantagens da decisão que tomou, poderia ter evitado (ou não) tensões desnecessárias.
(Um aparte: mentir é feio. Se a notícia da abertura dos casamentos a casais homossexuais fosse uma "informação errada prestada pelos serviços municipais", a sua correcção teria vindo antes - e não após - da reacção do Patriarcado de Lisboa.)
No outro plano, assistimos ao regresso triunfal do D. Sebastião da esquerda, Manuel Alegre. Não terá sido numa manhã de nevoeiro que regressou, mas o anúncio da sua candidatura nas terras dos Algarves basta para a analogia.
Marcadas as posições intra-partido, com Sócrates liberto para o Governo com o apoio (de sorriso amarelo) de M.A,. e qualquer oposição interna à candidatura à PR eliminada, restava a M.A. entrar na viatura do milhão de votos das últimas presidenciais, e fazer-se à estrada. E às primeiras insistências de jornalistas e partidários, foi o que aconteceu.
A viatura do milhão de votos, apesar de ser uma viatura utilitária, permite boleia para mais gente. Mas apanhar boleias é uma arte que exige rapidez de raciocínio, intuição, e gosto pelo risco.
Quem sabe disso, é Francisco Louçã, e o seu Bloco de Esquerda: experimentados como são nas lides das boleias, apressaram-se a entrar na carripana. Foi uma manobra inteligente, e que pode potencialmente render uma vitória eleitoral nacional inédita aos bloquistas.
Quem parece ter ficado atrás do arbusto especado é o PS. Agora, vai ter que escolher rapidamente se entra noutra carripana, ou se ainda corre atrás de Manuel Alegre e do BE. Já vai ter o esforço extra de convencer o carro do milhão de votos a parar para ele, e o de resgatar o lugar da frente ao lado do candidato à presidência. O esforço de o fazer, esse, já é muito maior.
janeiro 15, 2010
Precisava de dar qualquer coisa a uma qualquer pessoa.
Uma qualquer pessoa que a recebesse
num jeito de tão sonâmbulo gosto
como se um grão de luz lhe percorresse
com um dedo tímido o oval do rosto.
Uma qualquer pessoa de quem me aproximasse
e em silêncio dissesse: para si.
E uma qualquer pessoa, como um luar, nascesse,
e sem sorrir, sorrisse,
e sem tremer, tremesse,
tudo num jeito de tão sonâmbulo gosto
como se um grão de luz percorresse
com um dedo tímido o oval do rosto.
Na minha mão estendida dar-lhe-ia
o gesto de a estender,
e uma qualquer pessoa entenderia
sem precisar de entender.
Se eu fosse o cego
que acena com a mão à beira do passeio,
esperaria em sossego,
sem receio.
Se eu fosse a pobre criatura
que estende a mão na rua à caridade,
aguardaria, sem amargura,
que por ali passasse a bondade.
Se eu fosse o operário
que não ganha o bastante para viver,
lutava pelo aumento do salário
e havia de vencer.
Mas eu não sou o cego,
nem o pobre,
num o operário a quem não chega a féria.
Eu sou doutra miséria.
A minha fome não é de pão, nem de água a minha sede.
A minha mão estendida e tímida, não pede.
Esta é a maior miséria que, em todo o mundo: há.
E eu que precisava tanto, tanto, de dar qualquer coisa a uma
qualquer pessoa!
E se ela agora viesse?
Se ela aparecesse aqui, agora, de repente,.
se brotasse do chão, do tecto, das paredes,
se aparecesse aqui mesmo, olhando-me de, frente
toda lantejoulada de esperanças
como fazem as fadas nos contos das crianças?
Ai, se ela agora viesse!
Se ela agora viesse, bebê-la-ia de um trago,
sorvê-la-ia num hausto,
numa secura aflita,
numa avidez sedenta,
como o ar se precipita
quando um espaço vazio se lhe apresenta.
“Máquina de fogo”
janeiro 10, 2010
janeiro 08, 2010
Resolução para 2010
Assim, este ano prefiro não resolver nem desejar. Que sera, sera...
When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.
When I was young, I fell in love
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows, day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.
Now I have children of my own
They ask their mother, what will I be
Will I be handsome, will I be rich
I tell them tenderly.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.
janeiro 06, 2010
The The "Kingdom of Rain"
Um clássico, enjoy!
Tell me what you're thinking baby
Your heart's beating faster than mine
And I know something's going on in your life
In your life.. in your life
You were the girl I wanted to cry with
You were the girl I wanted to die with
And you were the boy who turned into the man
Broke my heart and let go off my hand
Our bed is empty, the fire is out
And all the love we've got to give has all spurted out
There's no more blood and no more pain
In our kingdom of rain
You think you know about life
You think you know about love
But when you put your hands inside me
It doesn't even feel like I'm being touched, and
You were the boy I wanted to cry with
You were the boy I wanted to die with
You've moved further from my side, year by year,
While still making love dutifully sincere
But as silent as the car lights that move across this room
As cold as our bodies silhouetted by the moon
And I would lie awake and wonder
Is it just me or this the way love is supposed to be?
Tell me what you told him baby
My heart's beating out of time with my mind
And I know something's going wrong in our lives
I just wanted somebody to caress, this damsel in distress
I just wanted somebody to undress, this damsel in distress
I just wanted somebody to bless, this damsel in distress
I just wanted somebody to possess, this young girl
Our bed is empty, the fire is out
And all the love we've got to give has all spurted out
Our bed is empty, the fire is out
And all the love we've got to give has all spurted out
Our bed is empty, the fire is out
And all the love we've got to give has all spurted out
There's no more blood and no more pain
In our kingdom of rain